[trying to get someone close to me to take
a step toward financial independence- 1998.]
You cry my friend
You cry, my friend,
as your tale is told,
my sleepless friend,
on the street so cold.
You seek, my friend,
from a stranger's hand,
a dime, my friend,
or an empty can.
But pride, my friend,
and strength in part,
comes not, my friend,
from a stranger's heart.
In truth, my friend,
your spirit soars,
but you must, my friend,
unlock those doors.
So stand, my friend,
stand tall by me,
to set, my friend,
that spirit free.
I'll help you friend,
and hold you tight,
as you leap, my friend,
toward truth tonight.
Then smile, my friend,
as your tale is told,
and sleep, my friend,
out of the cold.